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Callus (Hard skin reduction)

The benefit of using a Foot Health Practitioner for callus diagnosis:

If your calluses are becoming painful and unsightly, they can be treated by debriding the skin to reduce the callus and using recommended rich emollient preparations to maintain suppleness and prevent skin drying out.

Callus assessment and treatment:

Your treatment will include full medical history along with a full health assessment of your feet and nails to provide a diagnosis. Callus reduction treatment is aimed at reducing the excessive pressure that is causing the calluses, reduce the level of discomfort, and improve the appearance and function of your skin. 

What is a callus?

A callus is an extended area of thickened skin often found on the soles of the feet or the sides and surfaces of the toes were pressure occurs. It is the body’s reaction and protective measure to pressure or friction and can appear anywhere that the skin rubs against a bone. for example, wearing high heeled shoes were the weight is on the ball of the foot which can causes calluses in this area.

A callus build-up can be particularly dangerous if you have poor circulation or diabetic neuropathy as the combination of excessive pressures and lack of sensation can lead to the formation of ulcers, which if left untreated can cause infection.

What causes my callus?

Calluses are generally caused by an uneven distribution of weight, improperly fitted shoes, and increased activity like running, pressures over bony prominences, or foot deformities. 

Can anyone get a callus/es?

Yes, anyone can get calluses with many contributing factors as the ones mentioned above.

Some of us have a natural tendency to form callus because of our skin type. Also the older we get the less fatty tissues we have in our skin which can lead to callus forming on the ball of the foot.

What are the signs and symptoms of callus?

Hardened, thick areas of skin on the foot or both feet. The callus might be rounded or conical in appearance. Your skin will feel very dry, scaly, or flaky. 


Calluses are hard skin that is caused by pressure and shearing within your shoes. Calluses appear naturally to protect our feet and if untreated can cause discomfort and pain.

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