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Chilblains (Erythema Pernio)

The benefit of using a Foot Health Practitioner for your chilblain’s diagnosis:

The advice provided on treatment and prevention.

Chilblains assessment and treatments:

Your assessment will include full medical history and an update on your symptoms along with a full health assessment of your feet and nails to provide a diagnosis.

Treatment will be provided and advice on prevention.

What are chilblains?

Chilblains are patches of red, swollen, and itchy skin affecting the extremities of your toes following a sudden change in temperature. 

When conditions are cold our blood vessels that supply our toes, which are some of the smallest in our body will constrict and become smaller to the sudden the change of temperate. However, if the vessels are made to dilate rapidly due to the change to a hotter temperature small amounts of blood are thought to leak out of the vessel producing the painful swelling in our skin.

What causes my chilblains?

Chilblains are associated with the body’s reaction to cold weather and sudden temperature changes, for example, entering the warm house after being outside in the cold. Similarly, heating cold feet too quickly, by propping them next to a heater or using a hot water bottle will also exacerbate the condition.

Can anyone get chilblains?

Chilblains are common but the condition mainly affects:

  • Adults working outdoors in cold places

  • Working or living in damp or draughty conditions

  • If you do not wear socks or tights in winter

  • Elderly whose circulation is less efficient

  • Not taking enough exercise

  • If you suffer from anaemia are likely to be susceptible

  • Poor circulation

Can anyone get chilblains?

Chilblains are common but the condition mainly affects:

  • Adults working outdoors in cold places

  • Working or living in damp or draughty conditions

  • If you do not wear socks or tights in winter

  • Elderly whose circulation is less efficient

  • Not taking enough exercise

  • If you suffer from anaemia are likely to be susceptible

  • Poor circulation

What are the signs and symptoms of chilblains?

Chilblains often develop on the extremities of the toes with the onset of winter and those that are susceptible to chilblains could experience some of these symptoms:

  • Experience burning sensation and intense itching

  • Dry skin, that could split and crack

  • Swelling and redness

  • Potential for secondary infection and ulceration in severe cases


Chilblains often occur at the onset of winter, with those of us susceptible experiencing intensified burning and itching on the extremities of our toes on entering a warm room. Read more about Chilblains here. 

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