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Thickened Nails (Known as Onychanxis)

The benefit of using a Foot Health Practitioner for thicken nail/s diagnosis:

Thicken nails like cutting toenails need to be a regular treatment to reduce pressure on the nail bed, improve the appearance, and keep those nails and feet healthy.

Thickened nail/s assessment and treatment:

Your treatment will include full medical history and an update on your symptoms along with a full health assessment of your feet and nails to provide a diagnosis. You will be informed of the treatment option most suited for you and advise on the best way to maintain your nail/s.

Your treatment for thickened toenails will provide the benefit of improved appearance and reduced pressure on the nail bed.

What are thick nails?

A thicken toenail will appear thick, and in most cases discoloured. It may feel bruised or tender due to the pressure.

Generally, thickened toenails are not harmful unless pressure leads to ulceration beneath the nail bed. Thickened toenails can be difficult to trim and makes finding comfortable footwear difficult. Thicken nails can be unsightly,  uncomfortable and could affect your gait.

What causes my thick nails?

The most common cause of thickened toenails is trauma; this could be a single traumatic event such as ‘stubbing the toe’ or dropping a heavy object upon it. Alternatively, thickened toenails may be a result of repetitive trauma, from a sporting activity or ill-fitting footwear. Other causes could be fungal nails, ageing, certain skin conditions, poor circulation, psoriasis, or diabetes.

Can anyone get thick nails?

The most common cause is trauma to the nail. Other causes include:

  • Sporting activities 

  • Tight-fitting shoes

  • Ageing

  • Certain skin conditions (e.g. Psoriasis)  

  • Poor circulation

  • Fungal nails

What are the signs and symptoms of thickened toenails?

Toenails will appear thick and discoloured in many cases. Thick deformed nails may start curling around if not trimmed and toenails might feel tender when pressure applied.


Several causes can lead toenails to thicken and discolour with trauma and fungal nail infection the most common. A thicken toenail can look unsightly and be uncomfortable and keeping your toenails trimmed and reducing the thickness of the nail/s will show improved appearance and reduced pressure on the nail bed.

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