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Toenail Cutting and Filing

The benefit of using a Foot Health Practitioner to cut and file your toenails:

Caring for your toenails may seem like an insignificant thing, but these small parts of your body can cause big problems. Without proper care, toes can quickly become sources of pain, infection, and potentially serious health problems. Keeping your toenails professionally trimmed regularly will help keep your feet healthy and minimise potential problems.

Toenail nail assessment and treatment:

Your assessment starts with taking your medical history along with a full examination of your feet and toes. Your treatment will include using the latest foot care products for your feet with toenails cut and thick nails reduced if required.

At the end of the treatment, your feet will be moisturised with a relaxing foot massage and advice given on future care.

This regular toenail care treatment is ideal for clients who are unable to cut their toenails due to lack of mobility and poor vision. 

Why is it important to keep your nails trimmed?

Cutting your toenails properly is a key step to keeping your feet healthy and preventing pain. Improper cutting can heighten your risk of ingrown toenails. Not cutting them can lead to longer length or curved toenails very likely to get caught on something and tearing.


Signs and symptoms that you know your toenails need cutting:

· Toenails getting caught on something and tearing

· Toenails hitting the end of shoes

· White tip of the nail plate is hanging over the edge of the toe

· Toenails curling under the end of the toe.

· Thickening of the nail plate.

· Toenails cutting into adjacent toes causing possible inflammation, bleeding, and pain


We very often take our feet for granted and the smallest problem with these complex structures can stop you in your stride! Caring for your toenails is an important part of keeping your feet healthy. Having regular appointments will help in keeping your feet and nails healthy and enable common foot-related problems such as corns, callus hard skin, cracked heels and ingrown toenails to be identified and treated sooner than later.

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